Sunday 1 April 2012

Some quick updates on Funky Geek's life ~ Mid Year 5

 Haay y'all sorry about the absence of posts, words, updates, stories and all. Life as we all know just gets on top of oneself. 

Oh by the way, I didn't know that Funky Geek was good as badminton. When he told me that he had joined the lunchtime school club my response was "oh!" And I really didn't think much of it. A little bit of fun to burn off during lunchtime. Good exercise. Low and behold he came back one day from school with a letter asking for permission as Funky Geek had 'expressed' interest in taking part in the county's badminton tournament. I'll tell you what, I never saw that coming!!!! Mixed feelings from me. The tournament day has come and gone and he played excellently. Me quite pleased. Their school came 2nd in the combined girls and boys teams. 

Another thing that happened only last week. My son was taking part in a dancing competition to raise money for Sport Relief 2012. Twenty spaces, 50p per entrant. Below is the video of his background music for his streetdance moves.

Yes and he did represent. Although he didn't use DJ fresh's louder anymore as his music, he improvised to another track . Of course what did you expect ~ Funky Geek won the competition, first position. Another win, win situation. Whoop!!! Whoop!!!

I'll be back with more updates.